
Monday, December 15, 2008

New York City Worries Gas Drilling Could Contaminate Water Supply

(click on title link than "download audio file" after the description)

Gas Drilling in New York City's watershed is a real possibility. For some it's the new Texas tea in their own back yards. For others it's an environmental catastrophe waiting to happen.

5:28 - originally aired October 7, 2008

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Will Work for Food: Food Coops That Work

click on title above to hear audio file

The Park Slope Food Coop in Brooklyn, New York offers more than organic vegetables and free range chicken. An alternative to the grocery store as we know it, this coop is not only run and controlled by its members it's an alternative economic model that provides affordable, healthy food in exchange for a little bit of your time.

29:37 min.